Well ... apparently I've been tagged. Didn't know what it meant until I got it LOL. Thanks to Elizabeth from
Evy Designs for tagging me.
OK these are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by including links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
OK now to think of 7 things
1. I hate seafood - except maybe calamari and that has to be crumbed.
2. As a kid I was scared of the dark - as most of us are as kids. To get over it I use to make up stories and generally talk those stories aloud to get myself over the fear and eventually fall asleep. I'm sure I was going senile back then LOL.
3. 30 yrs later .... I still talk to myself when I can't get to sleep. (I'm such a sad case!!!)
4. Originally born in Brisbane, Australia - lived in many places since with moving around as a child, and moving around with my now hubbies work.
5. When I hang up the washing it has to be all towels together, all shorts together, all jeans together ... everything together in its sets. Probably the only thing I'm really picky on.
6. Love the rain! Except for when it floods. I love watching my kids run around in it and getting soaked and having fun .... then coming in for a lovely warm shower.
7. Love going for drives to the beach and sitting there watching the waves roll in, watch the sun setting ... generally relaxing and chilling out.
So there you have it. Ok, now I have to choose my 7 taggees ... but I'll do them tomorrow. I seriously have to get off here and go and make dinner, or the kidlets are going to gnaw my leg off soon. So until tomorrow .......
OK it's tomorrow ... or today ... well you know what I mean :-)
My 7 taggees are ....
Hooked on Wire2.
Nellies Treasures3.
Z'annes Bazaar4.
The Ardent Sparrow5.
Sheba Kitty6.
Calla does craft7. haven't got a clue right now, but I will put one in here :-)
My apologies if you've been tagged already - I'm pretty sure you don't have to do it again.
Have fun.